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- Date
- 01/04/2024
- 12/03/2024
Inter-class Dodgeball Competition (P.6)
- 07/02/2024
P.3 Story Telling Competition
- 19/01/2024
Kowloon West Area Inter-Primary Schools Table Tennis Competition
- 18/01/2024
The 21st Annual Swimming Gala (A)
- 18/01/2024
The 21st Annual Swimming Gala (C)
- 18/01/2024
The 21st Annual Swimming Gala (B)
- 21/12/2023
- 07/12/2023
2023-2024 Kowloon West Area Inter-Primary Schools Athletics Competition
- 07/12/2023
The winning classes of "The 2nd Term Cleanliness Ambassador"
- 29/11/2023
P.1&2 Solo Verse Speaking Competition
- 03/11/2023
2023-2024 Kowloon West Area Inter-Primary School Swimming Competition
- 24/10/2023
「綠優校園認證計劃」2022/23 頒獎典禮
- 14/08/2023
- 19/07/2023
第八屆歷史文化學堂 - 中華傳統節日2023
- 08/07/2023
- 08/07/2023
- 04/07/2023
P.1 Spelling Bee Competition
- 03/07/2023
P.4 Mathematics Challenge Competition
- 03/07/2023